Ps4 the witcher 3 wild hunt
Ps4 the witcher 3 wild hunt

ps4 the witcher 3 wild hunt

That’s the cool thing about The Witcher 3.

ps4 the witcher 3 wild hunt ps4 the witcher 3 wild hunt

A knight would flag me down and ask for a duel, or I could stumble upon an imprisoned soldier who needed my aid, and many times, I’d have to make decisions that may or may not affect me in the future. While roaming the world of The Witcher 3, there was always something going on at every corner and every turn. You can even choose her sexual preferences – always a nice choice to have. Both options felt natural to Ciri’s character, and it’s up to the player how they want Ciri to be portrayed in the story. She could be open and friendly to the people she met, or she could be a little more reclusive. Getting to see specific events play out through the eyes of Ciri, who also bears a slight resemblance to Cara Delevingne ( Bad Blood, anyone?), and having a hand in choosing some of her dialogue options helped to further shape her as a strong character on her own. Thankfully, though, Ciri has more than enough character to stand on her own, and getting to take control of her during certain chapters was truly a joy. Oh, and the evil titular Wild Hunt is pursuing her. She’s the heir to the Nilfgaardian throne, she’s Geralt’s adopted daughter by way of the Law of Surprise, and she also happens to have extremely powerful magic that allows her to do some really crazy shit. Immediately, Ciri feels like a walking, talking plot device. In Wild Hunt, Geralt and his lost love Yennefer of Vengerberg (badass name) are tasked by Emhyr, the emperor of Nilfgaard, to find his adopted daughter Ciri. You play as Geralt of Rivia, the sexy white-haired beast of a man on the game’s cover, and he’s a witcher. Genies, threesomes, spoony bards, and sex atop a stuffed unicorn – what’s not to love about The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt? Playing the game to completion and seeing Geralt’s story through to the end has left me somewhat dazed, and writing this review feels more daunting than anything.

Ps4 the witcher 3 wild hunt